週次 |
日期 |
單元主題 |
Week 1 |
May. 12 15:30-17:20 |
Introduction (Raymond Kuo) |
Week 2 |
May. 19 15:30-17:20 |
Economic Evaluation and Health Policies (Ming-Chin Yang) |
Week 3 |
(on-line lecture) |
What is Global Health and Policy Science? (Timothy Mackey) |
Week 4 |
(on-line lecture) |
Global Health Actors and Financing (Timothy Mackey) |
Week 5 |
(on-line lecture) |
Global Health Diplomacy (Timothy Mackey) |
Week 6 |
(on-line lecture) |
Intellectual Property and Public Health (Timothy Mackey) |
Week 7 |
Mar. 23 13:20-15:10 |
Global Health Topic Exploration and Mind
Mapping Exercise (Timothy Mackey)
Week 8 |
Mar. 23 15:30-17:20 |
Data visualizations on financing of global health (Timothy Mackey)
Week 9 |
Mar. 24 13:20-15:10 |
The Fundamentals of Global Health Governance
(Timothy Mackey) |
Week 10 |
Mar. 24 15:30-17:20 |
The Fundamentals of Global Health Governance
(Group practice) (Timothy Mackey) |
Week 11 |
Mar. 25 9:10-12:10 |
Global Health Diplomacy: health diplomacy case studies and simulation (group practice) <BR>
Infectious Disease Governance (Timothy Mackey) |
Week 12 |
Mar. 26 9:10-12:10 |
Contemporary Challenges in Global Health (lecture & group practice) (Timothy Mackey) |
Week 13 |
May. 25 13:20-15:10 |
Workshop: Health systems strengthening and international health financing (I) (Ann Lin) |
Week 14 |
May 26 15:30-17:20 |
Workshop: Health systems strengthening and international health financing (II) (Ann Lin)
Week 15 |
May 27 9:10-12:10 |
Workshop: Workforce development strategies for resource-limited settings (I) (Ann Lin) |
Week 16 |
May 28 9:10-12:10 |
Workshop: Workforce development strategies for resource-limited settings (II) (Ann Lin) |
Week 17 |
Apr. 28 15:30-17:20 |
International healthcare services: Taiwan’s experiences |