課程概述 |
This course forms a foundation for graduate-level operating systems. The course focuses on advanced concepts/features in operating system design and coverage of recent research directions. In this course, the students should learn how the advanced features work and how to make use of the features to complete your research work or advance your career. This course will not focus on how to design or implement a so-called `advanced` operating systems.
Covered topics includes: distributed process management, virtual memory, parallel and distributed file system designs, persistent objects, process and data migration, load balancing, security, multimedia operating systems, and embedded operating systems.
902 36700 作業系統, 902 39130 計算機網路, and 902 46100計算機結構, or consent of instructor.
There are three recommended text books:
* Distributed Operating Systems by Pradeep K. Sinha, IEEE Press, 1997.
* Distributed Systems: Principles and paradigms by Tanenbaum
* Practical Linux Programming: device drivers, embedded systems, and the internet.
Class website: http://rtlab.csie.ntu.edu.tw/course/AdvancedOperatingSystems/ |