課程概述 |
Course website: https://sites.google.com/site/fintech2020a/slides
This semester focuses on Chapter 1-6 of the book:
Chapter 1. 正本清源篇
Ch 1.1: Fintech ABCD, vision: WoFi, challenges
Ch 1.2: 4 functions of Fintech
Ch 1.3: 金融本質 (金融血液論): 金融=人產 (人為財死; Bits instead of atoms), 信任, 風控, 資安隱私, liquidity (血液論者)。“沒有Uniswap時, 我們什麼都不是”
Ch 1.4: Money 本質
Ch 1.5: 證券本質
Ch 1.6: 保險本質
Ch 1.7: Assets and Asset management
Chapter 2. 金融篇, aka 5科金融科技力鑑定
Ch 2.1: 風控, 精算 and 機率統計
Ch 2.2: Financial engineering and technical analysis
Ch 2.3: Pricing, Black-Scholes
Ch 2.4: Confidentiality: 隱私資安
Ch 2.5: 模型 & hypothesis. 流動性模型. 流動性挖礦
Chapter 3. 科技篇, aka 6科科技金融力鑑定
Ch 3.1: Python and program trading
Ch 3.2: 量化交易
Ch 3.3: Smart contract
Ch 3.4: D
Ch 3.5: C: blockchain-as-a-service
Ch 3.6: B
Ch 3.7: A
Chapter 4. 系統及生態篇, aka 金融科技生態力鑑定
Ch 4.1: 身分認證 KYC 與反洗錢 AML
Ch 4.2: 純網銀與其即時監理系統
Ch 4.3: Open banking
Ch 4.4: 穩定幣
Ch 4.5: Token economy
Ch 4.6: STO
Ch 4.7: Putting it altogether: 智能商業
Chapter 5. 產品篇, aka 金融科技產品力鑑定
Ch 5.1: Payment: Lightning network
Ch 5.2: Wallet
Ch 5.3: Exchanges: 從中心化到通證經濟交易所到DEX
Ch 5.4: DeFi
Ch 5.5: Swap: Uniswap (Dex-based Swap with value capture)
Ch 5.6: Market maker
Ch 5.7: P2P lending: CDP
Ch 5.8: Insurance: Nexus mutual
Ch 5.9: Dex 上的流動性挖礦, 治理型代幣. CDO, CLO, CDS
Chapter 6. 交易媒介篇 (分配資源之媒介): 數位貨幣鑑往知來與虛擬貨幣的美麗與哀愁
Ch 6.1: DCEP
Ch 6.2: 貨幣資安隱私事件剖析
Date Theme Topic HW and Project issuing: Due: or Quiz Backup
09/18 FinTech
Course logistics
Fintech ABCD (Ch 1.1)
Securities: What are securities? What's STO? (Ch 1.5)
09/27 Finance, Technology
9/25: FinTech Programming Languages: Case Study on Python (Ch 3.1)
9/25: Project #A (Python): Future: RegTech & FinTech programming such as crypto-arsenal.io
Fintech ABCD (Ch 1.1)
FinTech = Fin + Tech (Ch 1.2)
Money_FinTech (What is Money? What is Crypto-Currency?) (Ch 1.4)
DLVnV: Decentralized, Liquidity, non-Volatility, Value capture.
Putting Things Altogether: DLVnV in the order of importance: Value Capture being the most important
Project A
Professor_Liao.mp4 (which is the same as the backup videos below. Ignore below: part1, part2, part3
QA時間: 不用看, 重整中: QA1, QA2, QA3
10/17 正本清源,
金融本質 (Ch 1.3)
保險本質 (Ch 1.6)
Assets and Asset management (Ch 1.7)
量化交易 (Ch 3.2)
量化交易比賽 Project A due
10/24 金融篇
Financial engineering and technical analysis (Ch 2.2)
Investment science
Technical Analysis & Dow Theory
Investment Strategies
Pricing (Ch 2.3)
隱私資安 (Ch 2.4)
Privacy: 身份認證安全, credit assessment, STO
10/31 科技篇
模型 & hypothesis. 流動性模型. 流動性挖礦 (Ch 2.5)
Smart contract (Ch 3.3)
11/7 產品篇
3-step: Exchange,
DeFi (Ch 5.4): Parallel Finance
3 Steps to Get Crypto-Currency Going:
Exchanges: Centralized vs. Uniswap Programming's DIY
Smart Contract for Issuing Currency
Wallet: Carrying the Currency:
Step by step Project #C: Kelvin Wallet - Cold Wallet is the First Step to Embrace DeFi
HSM (Hardware Security Module): Cold Wallet
Parallel Finance: Survey: Homework #1
Project #B (Smart Contract)
HW#1 (Survey)
Week_9 虛擬貨幣美麗哀愁篇
Digital Money Mischief and Blockchain (Ch 6.2)
量化交易比賽 Project #B due
11/20 Midterm
Stable coin
Blockchain finance
金融科技發展趨勢 (FinTech Trend): Real-World
Internet banking
純網銀,身份認證,Credit assessment
新冠肺炎下的資安隱私與數據分析 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k328b6GJpAE)
Stable coin: Tether
Blockchain (BC) finance: DDEX
Payment: Lightning network
On-chain liquidity protocol: Kyber 1
Kyber 2
STO: PolyMath (蔡昭信)
HW#2 (Proof)
Final Project (Invest) HW#1: CEIBA & Presentation
12/4 資安隱私
Hardware Security Module
新冠肺炎下的AI數據分析與資安隱私 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k328b6GJpAE)
DeFi: BzX https://youtu.be/G1qHzYyVALo
HW#1: CEIBA & Presentation
12/11 HW#2 due
12/18 幣圈: DCEP
鏈圈: Gcoin
From Dapp to real App: Supply-chain financing
Credit assessment: Erasure
4 steps in applying FinTech:
Know the decision maker
Real problem (Pain point)
Domain (場域): Example: AmazonGo
FinTech technology
12/25 DID & Tokens: Token economy security (Dao & Bzx. How to fix them)
Final project background
Central Bank & Market Making: Maker Dao
Token Economy: Mathematical Foundation of Token Economy
DID & Tokens:
Privacy & DID
Token economy issues:
The Dao
Fix front-running attack: Fix Bzx (Bzx basics)
International security experts: Blockchain: Tamper-Resistant for the Internet
Quiz #1
1/8 Final project
Final project announcement
Final project: Investment science
Final project: Step-by-step
Blockchain & Cryptography
Insurance: Opyn
Weeks below go to: https://www.ntuspecs.ntu.edu.tw/specs/tc/classStudyListContent.aspx?id=1693&Chk=af288a16-aff5-4e50-a42b-29787bb2c1c7&cid=22&cchk=
FinTech ABCD
RegTech: 科技監理
金融博弈: Game Theory
P2P: 鄉民貸, 信用市集, Compound.finance
Staking Economy: Tangerine Network
DAO 2020: DAO stack
Big data
AI applications and Risk management
Open Banking
1. 麻布記帳
1. DCEP的發展
Recap: Smart Contract & Token-Issue: Case Study: 縣市幣 (Sun-Moon)
Staking Economy
Digital Finance: FinTech (DeFi) & RegTech
Class review
Bitcoin Anomaly & Bitcoin Tracing: Correlation and Causality
Statistical models and stochastic optimizations in FinTech
Zero-knowledge proof
比特幣之濫觴: Value-Capture Tech
Token Economy Case Study
Token Economy:
STO: Securities Token Offering
Mega_Trend of TechFin
From FinTech to TechFin
Value-Capture Tech
Traditional Value-Capture: STO (虛實整合)
Quantitative Trading, HFT
InsurTech Chen
IOT Data Mart
Foundation: Real FinTech (separate money flow and data flow) & TechFin (unified money flow and data flow, which is called token flow). E.g., our well-known tracing tool
Special Topics (optional): No longer just FinTech AI, but also other AI applications, including RegTech AI such as Bitcoin Tracing
Value-Capture Technology: Loyalty Point economy (點數經濟), Coupon economy (票券經濟), Token economy (通證經濟), Staking economy
RegTech AI: Bitcoin tracing
RegTech AI: Fraud detection
Data Mart
Big Data Programming
Computer Vision
Text (Fake news)
Big data basics:
Correlation and Causality
Big Data Programming
Data Exchange API
Security & Risk of FinTech
ABH, L12: Big Data Analytics
High blood pressure Q&A
TVBS Video:
Reinforcement Learning for Improving the Accuracy of PM2.5 Forecast
FinTech: Bitcoin Anomaly
RegTech: Bitcoin Tracing
Chain Analytics
Chatbot & 深度理財, Smart Explorer
Big Data Analytics for Semiconductors Technology
L13: Big Data Analytics: Looking Back and Forward
Virtual Assistant
Python NLP, Online behavior data collection
Text mining & Chinese segmentation
Big Data, L2: Android and Big Data A Big-Data Journey: From 1k to 1m to ...
Big Explorer, Open Messaging and Android |