課程概述 |
Course website is at https://csie.ntu.edu.tw/~blockchain.
1. English version: This course will cover Blockchain, DeFi, Staking Economy, and Tokenomics. The course starts with fundamentals: cryptography and ZK, distributed systems, consensus, trust science, virtual machines & languages, and other building blocks of digital value networks. The foundation above naturally leads the way to blockchains. Next, we present architectures and ecosystems of blockchains, multi-layer, sharding, privacy, security, flexibility (smart contract). Specifically, we strive to address these five aspects:
* Security
* Privacy
* Scalability
* Flexibility (smart contract)
* Algorithms (consensus, batch verification) and analytics
Finally, we emphasize on the applications and real successes. Examples include DeFi, Staking Economy, and Tokenomics. Please also see the speakers list from last semester: Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Sinovation Ventures, Mediatek IOT Blockchain. (國發會區塊鏈聯盟會介紹53個會員公司中玩真的業者們。)
2. Another version: This course will cover Blockchain, DeFi, Staking Economy, and Tokenomics. 如同Google強調 net neutrality, 我們不強調your chain, our chain or their chain. 我們也不會第一堂課就跳到bitcoin or chain,而忽略了基礎:Cryptography and ZK, Distributed Systems, Consensus, Trust Science, Virtual Machines & Languages, 數位經濟服務網路之基礎建設。第二堂後才進入區塊鏈,在講述multi-layer, sharding, privacy, security, 智能合約的架構及生態後,我們總結在五個面向:
* Security (安全性)
* Privacy (隱私性)
* Scalability
* Flexibility (smart contract)
* 算法, 共識及分析 (各類 algorithms and analytics, batch verification)
最後,我們強調區塊鏈應用與實際案例與落地,DeFi, Staking Economy, and Tokenomics 只是其中的例子。國發會區塊鏈聯盟會介紹53個會員公司中玩真的業者們。See speakers list from last semester: Facebook, Google, Microsoft, 創新工廠, 聯發科物聯網區塊鏈。 |
課程目標 |
Goal 1. This course will cover fundamentals: Blockchain, DeFi, Staking Economy, and Tokenomics.
Goal 2. Trend: Blockchain, DeFi, Staking Economy, and Tokenomics are booming: 數位經濟正在興起中,現今許多地方已投入大量資金於區塊鏈的技術研發中。如果美麗新世界到來,每個人的數位經濟供應鏈上將有許多時時刻刻在競爭的服務提供商。
Goal 3. Hands-on teaching: Coinlend.org has become young people's favorite:銀行將只是數位經濟供應鏈上的一個節點,與其他 FinTech 公司甚至個人激烈競爭。世界走向自動化,智能化,anytime on-line 的數位經濟服務網路。
Goal 4. Balanced Trinity: Trust machine, contract, and data. In this brave new world, all-time, all-place, all-provider digital value networks requires a trust machine: Blockchain: 區塊鏈身為信任機制,是數位經濟服務網路的基礎建設之一,信任機制(Trust machine)之上, smart contract (智能合約)及數據分析分別代表program and data。
Goal 5: We provides big picture: mechanism, program, and data: 將可綜觀全局, 並學以致用。 |