課程概述 |
隨著資訊系統越來越普遍地出現在人們的生活和工作之中,資訊系統的安全性日趨重要,已成為業界極為重視的技術,甚至關乎國家安全。相較於傳統的系統,近年大放異彩的人工智慧技術,在運用大數據來打造大智慧,以及佈署人工智慧的過程中,已經衍生更多新興且重要的資訊系統安全議題。本課程由本系客座教授陳維超博士規劃主講,陳博士具備豐富的業界經驗,近年擔任英業達股份有限公司 (Inventec Corp.) 的首席 AI 顧問、AI/數位中心負責人以及數位長暨資深副總經理,同時也是行品股份有限公司 (Skywatch Inc.) 創辦人暨董事長,將著重於業界當前以及未來在發展人工智慧系統與應用上所須面對的實際議題,與本系洪士灝教授合作傳授相關的知識技能並且帶領著修課同學一起動腦動手來探索目前最先進解決方案。
1. Machine Learning and Cyber Security Overview
- Intro to AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Federated Learning
- Cybersecurity Fundamentals: Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability
- Applied Cryptography: Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE)
- Foundation and background
- Libraries and implementation
- Applications
2. Threats In AI Systems:
- Security Threats for AI/ML Applications:
- System Manipulation
- Data Corruption & Poisoning
- Transfer Learning Attacks
- Online System Manipulation
- Data Privacy
3. Risk Mitigation and AI Deployment
- Define an end-to-end model operations process
- Establish regulatory and compliance controls for all models
- AI models for Industry: considerations
4. AI for Cybersecurity:
- Deep learning fundamentals from a security perspective.
- Fundamentals of AI and how AI can solve problems in the cyber security space. (Examples of companies using AI for Security, such as Cylance and FireEye.) |