Schedule for Laboratory of Plant Physiology
exp.1 The effects of environmental factors on the rate of transpiration
exp.2 Effects of nitrogen on plant growth
(a). deficient syndrome of nitrogen
(b). effects of nodulation
exp.3 Chloroplast isolation and Hill reaction
exp.4 Measurement of photosynthesis in leaf discs
exp.5 Distribution of anthocyanin and chlorophyll in leaf
exp.6 Mobilization of storage food in maize endosperm during germination
exp.7 The sensitivity of a-amylase to pH curve
exp.8 Isolation and Quantitation of protein
exp.9 Protein electrophoresis
exp.10 Light and seed germination
exp.11 Apical dominance
exp.12 Effect of GA on starch degradation in cereal grains
exp.13 Heat stress and thermotolerance of seedlings
exp.14 senescence intactness of cell membrane