課程概述 |
本專題討論著重於:探討現代生物學技術及數值類緣分析方法,如何運用於魚類系統分類或系群判別上。 通論(原理)及個案均包括在討論的範圍內,因此並一定侷限於”魚類”。 如有合適之專家學者,可在特定之問題上提供見解,或在方法上提供意見,則擬與系之專題討論併案邀請;此情形下,同學則需於聽講之後提出心得報告。
傳統之魚類分類系統及魚類生態中之系群概念為能夠順利參與專題討論之基本背景知識,因此建議同學先行預習。 修課同學必須全程出席,並參與討論,學期中尚需上台發表2~3個專題,期末需繳報告一篇,做為成績評定之依據。
This seminar series address current molecular techniques and numerical analytic tools apply to biological classifications, especially to fish systematics. Some key speakers are invited jointly to the departmental seminar, when general interests in approaches and techniques are met, and in this case students shall participate in specific group discussions after the seminar lecture. Classical fish systematics and fundamental stock assessment concept are pre-required as background knowledge to facilitate group discussion. Students will be required to participate in all seminar class for further discussions, to report 2-3 topics/times, and to prepare a final paper.