課程名稱 |
英文寫作基礎 Fundamentals of English Writing |
開課學期 |
113-1 |
授課對象 |
寫作教學中心 |
授課教師 |
張 晨 |
課號 |
Write7002 |
課程識別碼 |
Q01EM0200 |
班次 |
02 |
學分 |
3.0 |
全/半年 |
半年 |
必/選修 |
選修 |
上課時間 |
星期一3,4,5(10:20~13:10) |
上課地點 |
共401 |
備註 |
本課程以英語授課。不宜與「學術英文寫作與發表」同時修習。 限碩士班以上 總人數上限:22人 |
課程簡介影片 |
核心能力關聯 |
本課程尚未建立核心能力關連 |
課程概述 |
This course teaches fundamental yet important skills that enable students to write well-organized, clearly-reasoned, rhetorically effective, and grammatically correct essays. Topics to be covered are basic vocabulary and grammatical structures in academic English, techniques to construct an effective paragraph, mistakes in reasoning, and common patterns for essay writing. |
課程目標 |
This is a fundamentals course. You may not come out ready to write a thesis, but hopefully you will
1. learn to read as a writer;
2. understand the nature and standard of academic writing;
3. gain a vocabulary of elements with which to analyze and write a paragraph or essay;
4. improve reasoning skills and minimize possible logical fallacies; and
5. become a better team collaborator.
For those interested in moving up to the higher-level writing class—designed specifically to meet the needs of knowing how to write a research paper, thesis, or dissertation—these are important and rewarding preparatory tasks. |
課程要求 |
1. Class attendance is mandatory. Absences are excused only for good reasons.
(Note: First-week absentees will be viewed as going to drop this course. 第一週課程未到視同放棄選修)
2. Active participation in class discussions is required.
3. Quizzes and a comprehensive final exam are included in this course. No make-up quizzes/exam will be allowed.
4. Writing assignments are carefully scheduled as stages toward the fulfillment of the course’s objectives. Late assignments will be marked down. |
預期每週課後學習時數 |
1-2 hours |
Office Hours |
另約時間 備註: By appointment |
指定閱讀 |
Oshima, Alice & Hogue, Ann (2020). Longman Academic Writing Series 4 (5th ed.). NY: Pearson/Longman.
邱崇賢。《文法會說話》。台北:臺大出版中心,2015。 |
參考書目 |
Barrett, G. (2016). Perfect English Grammar: The Indispensable Guide to Excellent Writing and Speaking. Zephyros Press.
Gillett, A., Hammond, A., & Martala, M. (2009). Inside Track: Successful Academic Writing. Person Education Limited.
Hamp-Lyons, L., & Heasley, E. (2006). Study Writing. Cambridge University Press.
Langan, J. (2007). English Skills with Readings, 5th edition. NY: McGraw-Hill.
Weal, E. (2013). Writing in English: Step by Step. Tenaya Press. |
評量方式 (僅供參考) |
No. |
項目 |
百分比 |
說明 |
1. |
Quiz |
15% |
There are 11 quizzes throughout the semester. |
2. |
Participation |
10% |
Each member of the group grades each other’s involvement. |
3. |
Writing Assignments |
50% |
Weeks 2-7: There are three individual and one collaborative tasks.
Weeks 10-15: There are two writing assignments. Each contains an outline, a draft, and a revision. You will receive a grade on your revision. |
4. |
Final Exam |
20% |
The final exam is divided into four parts: vocabulary, grammar, essay analysis, and guided writing. |
5. |
Independent Study |
5% |
Take advantage of MEIC. |
針對學生困難提供學生調整方式 |
上課形式 |
提供學生彈性出席課程方式 |
作業繳交方式 |
學生與授課老師協議改以其他形式呈現 |
考試形式 |
書面(口頭)報告取代考試 |
其他 |
由師生雙方議定 |
週次 |
日期 |
單元主題 |
第1週 |
9/2 |
Course Introduction |
第2週 |
9/9 |
Paragraph Structure |
第3週 |
9/16 |
Writing Flows: Unity and Coherence |
第4週 |
9/23 |
Summarizing and Paraphrasing |
第5週 |
9/30 |
Using Outside Sources |
第6週 |
10/7 |
Review and Create |
第7週 |
10/14 |
From Paragraph to Essay |
第8週 |
10/21 |
Classification Essays |
第9週 |
10/28 |
Process Essays |
第10週 |
11/4 |
Cause/Effect Essays I |
第11週 |
11/11 |
Cause/Effect Essays II |
第12週 |
11/18 |
Comparison/Contrast Essays |
第13週 |
11/25 |
Argumentative Essays I |
第14週 |
12/2 |
Argumentative Essays II |
第15週 |
12/9 |
Peer and Instructor Feedback on Essay |
第16週 |
12/18 |
Final Exam |