課程名稱 |
種族/族群與法律 Race/ethnicity and the law |
開課學期 |
109-1 |
授課對象 |
法律學院 法律學系 |
授課教師 |
陳昭如 |
課號 |
LAW4281 |
課程識別碼 |
A01 40600 |
班次 |
學分 |
2.0 |
全/半年 |
半年 |
必/選修 |
選修 |
上課時間 |
星期二3,4(10:20~12:10) |
上課地點 |
霖1506 |
備註 |
限學士班二年級以上 總人數上限:80人 |
Ceiba 課程網頁 |
http://ceiba.ntu.edu.tw/1091LAW4281_ |
課程簡介影片 |
核心能力關聯 |
核心能力與課程規劃關聯圖 |
課程概述 |
本課程將透過理論、歷史與比較的觀點,探討法律如何建構社會中的種族/族群關係,種族/族群的不平等關係如何反應於法律、是否可能透過法律而改變。我們將以「批判種族理論」(critical race theory)和「多元交織性」(intersectionality)作為理論與概念的資源,思考種族/族群的法律建構與身分實作、種族與國族的劃界、種族盲(colorblindness)迷思、勞動法律管制的雙刃劍、積極矯正歧視措施(affirmative action)的爭議、多元文化主義與種族/族群平等、仇恨性言論管制、刑事正義、自治運動等主題,並運用「說故事(storytelling)作為法學方法」以思考日常生活中透過法律而為的種族/族群壓迫與特權。我們將討論在臺灣常見的原住民法律/文化與國家法的關係,例如自然資源採集與保育、狩獵與槍械、命名與正名、教育的積極矯正歧視措施、比例進用制度;也將介紹在美國的高爭議議題,例如混種(mixed race)、跨種族/族群收養、種族貌相(racial profiling)、陪審團的種族歧視、私刑(lynching)與強暴的種族化、模範少數(model minority)迷思等等。
CRT INTRODUCTION = Richard Delgado & Jean Stefancic, Critical Race Theory: An Introduction (3d., 2017)
CRT CUTTING EDGE = Richard Delgado & Jean Stefancic eds., Critical Race Theory: The Cutting Edge (3d., 2013)
課程目標 |
了解種族/族群與法律的關係,思考種族/族群平等及種族/族群歧視的意義,比較臺灣與美國之異同,並探討改變種族/族群不平等現狀的法律對策與其他行動可能 |
課程要求 |
1. 上課前充分閱讀指定文獻,上課時積極參與討論。
2. 不得拍攝或錄音錄影課程內容
3. 課程進行中,請啟動防干擾模式,避免「干擾學習」及「干擾教學」的言行,特別是使用手機、電腦或其他電子設備進行與課程無關之活動(例如上網聊天)。電子設備之使用,僅限於課程目的(例如:查閱指定閱讀文本或相關文獻、筆記)。欲使用電子設備之同學,請坐在教室前三排。
4. 作業嚴禁抄襲,違反情節輕微者予以警告或/及減分,違反情節重大者不予計分,並予倒扣。
5. 本課程原則上不接受停休
1. 平時成績(10%):上課出席與參與狀況。
2. 個人作業(20%):字數3000-4000字,繳交日期:11/01。
(1) 應檢附學倫聲明,違反者將依據違反情節輕重予以警告、減分、不予計分、倒扣成績等處置。
(2) 遲交酌予扣分,遲交超過三天不予計分。遲交酌予扣分,遲交超過三天不予計分)。
3. 小組報告(20%):字數至少8000字。繳交日期:12/11(上課討論初稿)、12/20(定稿)
(1) 應敘明報告分工,並個別繳交互評分數。
(2) 應檢附學倫聲明,嚴重違反學倫者不予計分。遲交酌予扣分,遲交超過三天不予計分。遲交酌予扣分,遲交超過三天不予計分)。
4. 期末考試(50%):open book,得參考任何所攜帶之書面資料,不得使用電子設備。
預期每週課後學習時數 |
Office Hours |
另約時間 |
指定閱讀 |
見每週指定閱讀 |
參考書目 |
Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow (10th Anniversary Edition, 2020)
Kimberlé Crenshaw, Neil Gotanda, Garry Peller, Kendall Thomas eds., Critical Race Theory: The Key Writings that Formed the Movement (1995)
Kimberlé W. Crenshaw et al. eds., Seeing Race Again: Countering Colorblindness Across the Disciplines (2019)
Richard Delgado & Jean Stefancic eds., Critical Race Theory: The Cutting Edge (3d., 2013)
Richard Delgado & Jean Stefancic, Critical Race Theory: An Introduction (3d., 2017)
Richard Delgado & Jean Stefancic, Must We Defend Nazis: Why the First Amendment Should Not Protect Hate Speech and White Supremacy(2018)
Robert Chang, Disoriented: Asian American, Law and the Nation State (1999)
Ian Haney Lopez, White by Law (2rd, 2006)
Patricia Williams, The Alchemy of Race and Rights (1991)
評量方式 (僅供參考) |
No. |
項目 |
百分比 |
說明 |
1. |
平時成績 |
10% |
上課出席與參與狀況 |
2. |
個人作業 |
20% |
(1) 應檢附學倫聲明,違反者將依據違反情節輕重予以警告、減分、不予計分、倒扣成績等處置。
(2) 遲交酌予扣分,遲交超過三天不予計分。遲交酌予扣分,遲交超過三天不予計分)。
3. |
小組報告 |
20% |
3. 小組報告(20%):字數至少8000字。繳交日期:12/11(上課討論初稿)、12/20(定稿)
(1) 應敘明報告分工,並個別繳交互評分數。
(2) 應檢附學倫聲明,嚴重違反學倫者不予計分。遲交酌予扣分,遲交超過三天不予計分。遲交酌予扣分,遲交超過三天不予計分)。
4. |
期末考試 |
50% |
open book,得參考任何所攜帶之書面資料,不得使用電子設備。 |
週次 |
日期 |
單元主題 |
第1週 |
09/15 |
課程介紹 |
第2週 |
09/22 |
CRT INTRODUCTION, 1-12, 19-34, 113-141
* Kimberlé W. Crenshaw, Unmasking Colorblindness in the Law: Lessons from the Formation of Critical Race Theory, in Kimberlé W. Crenshaw et al. eds., Seeing Race Again: Countering Colorblindness Across the Disciplines (2019), 72-79.
第3週 |
09/29 |
*Ian Haney Lopez, The Social Construction of Race, in CRT CUTTING EDGE, 238-248
*Devon W. Carbado and Mitu Gulati, “Working Identity,” in CRT CUTTING EDGE, 223-237
第4週 |
10/06 |
[原住民與移民的種族/國籍劃界 ]
第5週 |
10/13 |
* 陳昭如(2011),〈交叉路口與樓上樓下─反歧視法中的交錯問題〉,《月旦法學雜誌》,第189期,頁51-68。
* P. McIntosh (1988), White privilege and male privilege: A personal account of coming to see correspondences through work in Women’s Studies.(摘譯)
* Stephanie M. Wildman with Adrienne D. Davis, “Language and Silence: Making Systems of Privilege Visible,” in CRT CUTTING EDGE, 794-800
第6週 |
10/20 |
*Derrick A. Bell, Jr., “Property Rights in Whiteness: Their Legal Legacy, Their Economic Costs,” in CRT CUTTING EDGE, 63-70
*Patricia Williams, “On being the Object of Property,” in THE ALCHEMY OF RACE AND RIGHTS (1991), 216-236 |
第7週 |
10/27 |
Loving (2016)
*繳交觀影短感 |
第8週 |
11/03 |
*Mari Matsuda, Looking to the Bottom: Critical Legal Studies and Reparations, in Kimberlé Crenshaw, Neil Gotanda, Garry Peller, Kendall Thomas eds., Critical Race Theory: The Key Writings that Formed the Movement (1995), 63-79.
*Mari Matsuda, When the First Quail Calls: Multiple Consciousness as Jurisprudential Method, 11 Women's Rights Law Reporter 1 (1989)
第9週 |
11/10 |
*Frank Wu, Where are You Really From? Asian Americans and the Perpetual Foreigner Syndrome, 6 C.R. J. 14 (2002)
*Robert S. Chang, Toward an Asian American Legal Scholarship: Critical Race Theory, Poststructuralism, and Narrative Space, in CRT CUTTING EDGE, 466-478
* Bryan McKinley Jones Brayboy, “Toward a Tribal Critical Race Theory in Education.” Urban Review 37(5):425–46 (2006)
第10週 |
11/17 |
[不只是種族:批判種族女性主義(critical race feminism)]
*Sumi L. Cho, “Converging Stereotypes in Racialized Sexual Harassment,” in CRT CUTTING EDGE, 669-678
*Dorothy E. Roberts, Why Baby Markets Aren't Free, 7 U.C. Irvine L. Rev. 611 (2017)
第11週 |
11/24 |
* Neil Gotanda, A Critique of “Our Constitution is Color-Blind,” in CRT CUTTING EDGE, 35-37.
第12週 |
12/01 |
[種族中立性、多元性與教育上的積極矯正歧視措施(Affirmative Action)]
* Mari Matsuda, “Who Is Excellent?” in CRT CUTTING EDGE, 622-628
*Robert Chang, “Reverse Racism! Affirmative Action, the Family and the Dream that is America,” in Disoriented: Asian American, Law and the Nation State (1999), 110-122
*Ellen Berrey, Is Diversity Racial Justice? Affirmative Action in Admissions and the Promises and Perils of Law, in Sharon Collins and David G. Embrick eds., Challenging the Status Quo: Diversity, Democracy, and Equality in the 21st Century (2018), 59-68
第13週 |
12/08 |
* Richard Delgado & Jean Stefancic, Must We Defend Nazis: Why the First Amendment Should Not Protect Hate Speech and White Supremacy(2018), 125-133, 137-162.
第14週 |
12/15 |
*Neoliberal arguments, in Must We Defend Nazis, 51-75.
*Neoconservative arguments, in Must We Defend Nazis, 79-97.
第15週 |
12/22 |
*Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow (10th Anniversary Edition, 2020), 220-272.
* Bhikhu Parekh, Cultural Defense and the Criminal Law, in Will Kymlicka, Claes Lernestedt, and Matt Matravers eds., Criminal Law and Cultural Diversity (2014), https://oxford.universitypressscholarship.com/view/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199676590.001.0001/acprof-9780199676590-chapter-6
* 司馬庫斯風倒櫸木案檔案,法實證研究資料庫
第16週 |
12/29 |
*Awi Mona(蔡志偉)(2016),〈民族法主體之建立:臺灣原住民族自治之視角〉,《臺灣原住民族法學》,1卷1期,頁77-86
第17週 |
01/05 |
[後國族國家(postnational/post-racial state)作為願景?]
*Guy Lawson, “Trudeau’s Canada, Again, New York Times” Magazine, Dec. 13, 2015. https://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/13/magazine/trudeaus-canada-again.html
* Hassan Jabareen, The Origins of Racism and the new Basic Law: Jewish Nation-State, https://verfassungsblog.de/the-origins-of-racism-and-the-new-basic-law-jewish-nation-state/
*石忠山,〈憲政愛國主義-探尋一個國族認同的理性概念〉,《政治與社會評論》,第52期,頁63-122 (2015)
* Kimberlé W. Crenshaw, How Colorblindness Flourished in the Age of Obama, in Kimberlé W. Crenshaw et al. eds., Seeing Race Again: Countering Colorblindness Across the Disciplines (2019), 128-151.