課程名稱 |
開課學期 |
97-2 |
授課對象 |
學程 婦女與性別研究學程 |
授課教師 |
陳昭如 |
課號 |
LAW5380 |
課程識別碼 |
A21 U2600 |
班次 |
學分 |
2 |
全/半年 |
半年 |
必/選修 |
選修 |
上課時間 |
星期四3,4(10:20~12:10) |
上課地點 |
社法9 |
備註 |
與研究所合開。 限學士班三年級以上 總人數上限:40人 |
Ceiba 課程網頁 |
http://ceiba.ntu.edu.tw/972FLT |
課程簡介影片 |
核心能力關聯 |
核心能力與課程規劃關聯圖 |
課程概述 |
本課程的教材,將以以下三本書為主要的教材內容:(1) Martha Chamallas所撰寫的Introduction to Feminist Legal Theory (NY: Aspen Law & Business, 2003); (2) Nancy Levit 和Robert R.M. Verchick所撰寫的Feminist Legal Theory (NY: New York University Press, 2006)(以上二書均為適合非英美法系讀者閱讀的入門書)Catharine A. MacKinnon Sex Equality (NY: Foundation, 2007)(此為MacKinnon累積多年研究、教學與實踐經驗所編寫之女性主義法學案例教科書,本課程採用者為2007之第二版)為主要教材內容,並輔以其他女性主義法學重要著作的閱讀,期使同學們能夠以一學期的時間,大致掌握美國女性主義法學的輪廓,並兼顧部分重要文獻的閱讀。本課程也同時強調理論與在地脈絡的對話,配合對臺灣社會以及法學研究中相關議題的討論,促使同學們進一步思考美國女性主義法理學的「在地性」。修課同學不需具備女性主義理論的基礎,但建議同學們事先閱讀以下兩本女性主義導論的書,以獲得不同流派的美國女性主義理論的基礎知識:Rosemary Tong著、刁曉華譯,女性主義思潮(台北:時報,1996)以及顧燕翎主編,女性主義理論與流派(台北:女書,1996)對於女性主義有疑慮、不安的同學們,更推薦閱讀為共同住在父權房子底下的女人與男人所寫的、解構父權體系的好書:Allan Johnson著、成令方等譯,性別打結:拆解父權違建(台北:群學,2008)。
American Feminist Legal theories
Course description
This course is intended to give students a critical introduction to key American theorists in the field of feminist legal theories. The first part of the course will introduce students to feminist methods of legal reasoning, analysis and critique, and the various schools of American feminist legal theories, including, equal treatment theory, radical feminism, cultural feminism, critical race feminism, postmodern feminism, and postcolonial feminism. In the second part of the course we will explore the application of feminist legal theory to concrete feminist struggles for law reform. Such topics include employment, education, motherhood, marriage, violence, reproduction, heterosexual hegemony, and sex.
課程目標 |
Course objectives
This course is intended to provide students with a broad view of American feminist legal theories. It seeks to cultivate an understanding of long-standing and emerging feminist issues and the multiple concepts of difference. i.e., gender, race, culture, class, sexual orientation, ability, etc., that shape them. This understanding will enable students to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the theoretical insights of different schools of feminist legal theory and their application to concrete feminist struggles for law reform. Students will also be encouraged to reflect on the relationship between American feminist legal theories and Taiwan.
課程要求 |
本課程強調上課積極參與討論,以及對於教材的充分閱讀、理解與思考。考試將不會是本課程用以評分的方式。課堂參與將會占學期成績的30%,其餘的70%為四次討論作業(40%)與期末作業(30%)。 |
預期每週課後學習時數 |
Office Hours |
每週一 15:30~17:30 |
指定閱讀 |
參考書目 |
1. Adrien Katherine
Wing ed., Global Critical
Race Feminism: An
International Reader (New
York : New York University
Press, 2000)
2. Ann Scales, Legal
Feminism: Activism,
Lawyering and Legal Theory
(NYU Press, 2006)
3. Catharine A.
MacKinnon Sex Equality (NY:
Foundation, 2007)
4. Catharine A.
MacKinnon, Feminism
Unmodified: Discourses on
Life and Law (MA: Harvard,
5. Catharine A.
MacKinnon, Toward a Feminist
Theory of the State, (MA:
Harvard University Press,
6. Katharine T.
Bartlett & Deborah L. Rhode,
Gender and law : theory,
doctrine, commentary (New
York : Aspen Publishers,
7. Martha Chamallas,
Introduction to Feminist
Legal Theory (NY: Aspen Law
& Business, 2003)
8. Martha Albertson
Fineman and Nancy Sweet
Thomadsen ed., At the
boundaries of law : feminism
and legal theory (New York :
Routledge, 1991)
9. Nancy Levit &
Robert R.M. Verchick,
Feminist Legal Theory (NY:
New York University Press,
10. 朱蒂思.貝爾(Judith
11. 凱瑟琳•麥金儂
(Catharine A . MacKinnon)
著,賴慈芸等譯, 性騷擾與性別
評量方式 (僅供參考) |
No. |
項目 |
百分比 |
說明 |
1. |
課堂參與 |
30% |
2. |
討論作業 |
40% |
3. |
期末作業 |
30% |
週次 |
日期 |
單元主題 |
第1週 |
02/19 |
Introduction |
第2週 |
2/26 |
The many faces of feminist legal theories
Nancy Levit & Robert R.M. Verchick, Feminist Legal Theory, 15-39.
第3週 |
3/05 |
Feminist legal methods
• Nancy Levit & Robert R.M. Verchick, Feminist Legal Theory, 45-56
• Ann Scales, Legal Feminism: Activism, Lawyering and Legal Theory (NYU Press, 2006), 100-119
第4週 |
3/12 |
Formal equality and sex classification
• Martha Chamallas, Introduction to Feminist Legal Theory, 24-28
• Catharine A. MacKinnon, Sex Equality, 211-238
**1st Assignment Due**
第5週 |
3/19 |
Workplace Discrimination and the public/private divide
• Martha Chamallas, Introduction to Feminist Legal Theory, 175-199
• Catharine A. MacKinnon, Sex Equality, 162-177.
第6週 |
3/26 |
Education and Athletics
• Nancy Levit & Robert R.M. Verchick, Feminist Legal Theory, 86-115
• Catharine A. MacKinnon, Sex Equality, 343-360
第7週 |
4/02 |
溫書假 |
第8週 |
4/09 |
Rape and consent
• Martha Chamallas, Introduction to Feminist Legal Theory, 223-237.
• Catharine A. MacKinnon, “Rape: On Coercion and Consent,” in Toward a Feminist Theory of the State, (MA: Harvard University Press, 1989), p. 171-183
**2ed Assignment Due**
第9週 |
4/16 |
Intimate violence
• Martha Chamallas, Introduction to Feminist Legal Theory, pp.255-269.
• Nancy Levit & Robert R.M. Verchick, Feminist Legal Theory, pp.189-202. |
第10週 |
4/23 |
Sexual harassment
• Martha Chamallas, Introduction to Feminist Legal Theory, 237-255.
• Catharine A. MacKinnon, “Beyond Moralism: Directions in Sexual Harassment Law,” in Women’s Lives, Men’s Laws (2005), 184-205
第11週 |
4/30 |
Pornography, sex speech and work
• Nancy Levit & Robert R.M. Verchick, Feminist Legal Theory, pp. 153-156.
• Martha Chamallas, Introduction to Feminist Legal Theory, pp. 269-274.
• Catharine A. MacKinnon, “Pornography as Defamation and Discrimination,”in Women’s Lives, Men’s Laws (2005), 309-326.
第12週 |
5/07 |
Motherhood as ideological and legal construction
• Martha Chamallas, Introduction to Feminist Legal Theory, pp.286-302.
• Catharine A. MacKinnon, Sex Equality, pp. 588-597, 611-613.
**3rd Assignment Due**
第13週 |
5/14 |
Resisting Motherhood and Motherhood denied: Contraception, abortion and sterilization
• Nancy Levit & Robert R.M. Verchick, Feminist Legal Theory, pp.128-148
• Catharine A. MacKinnon, Sex Equality, pp. 1084-1095
第14週 |
5/21 |
Surrogacy and motherhood
• Nancy Levit & Robert R.M. Verchick, Feminist Legal Theory, pp.148-153
• Catharine A. MacKinnon, Sex Equality, pp. 1184-1213
第15週 |
5/28 |
肉粽節 |
第16週 |
6/04 |
Sexual orientation/identity and discrimination
• Martha Chamallas, Introduction to Feminist Legal Theory, pp.156-172, 273-281
• Catharine A. MacKinnon, Sex Equality, pp.1065-1069
第17週 |
6/11 |
Anti-essentialism and postcolonial feminism
Brenda Cossman, “Turning the Gaze Back on Itself: Comparative Law, Feminist Legal Studies, and the Postcolonial Project,” 2 Utah Law Review 525 (1997)